Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quick bit

Found this floating on facebook. Just going to copy and paste the whole message so you don't think the man is repressing the news here because we're free of that...nonsense...we are the truthbots!

Dear CJAM Supporters,
Thank you for all of your support so far! I would like to ask all of you to take the time to sign the "Save CJAM!" petition at either:

1) http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-cjam
2) http://apps.facebook.com/petitions/view?pid=441314018

The first link is accessible to everyone, including your CJAM supporting friends who aren't users of Facebook.Thanks again and keep spreading the word about CJAM,Robert Woodrich & Madeline MacIsaac"Save CJAM!" Co-Founders

Help out a good cause.


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