Thursday, February 26, 2009
I guess this makes up for the two hour gig a few weeks ago.
Had another Lancers Basketball game last night, so the show was a bit shorter than usual.
Recording a commercial for the show, hope to get a couple done in the next little while. Stay Tuned.
Watch out for The Ghost Inside on March 1st in Detroit and the Majestic. Also, Drokick Murphys are commin to town with H2O and Civet on March 3rd at the Fillmore. The local boys of Radio Adelaide will be playin on the 6th and 26th of March at the Pickle, so check em out. Also, Underoath will be in Toronto later on in March. I'll keep you updated.
Twenty-Five (to life)
The Unseen - Scream Out
Fucked Up - Golden Seals
Fucked Up - Days Of Last
Dropkick Murphys - Gang's All Here
H2O - Heart On My Sleeve
Means - Down To The Spark
Life In Your Way - The Beauty Of Grace
Kingston Falls - Freakin eXtreme!
Underoath - The Impact Of Reason
With Honor - Like Trumpets
Black Ships - Ars Moriendi
Radio Adelaide - Smile and Wave
Blurt -
Stay Posi.
This was my week away, and it was a good'n.
No slackin on the show though, still prime.
The News will be up soon, so let's just stick to business.
24 (- Jack)
Tie Fighter - Everything
Swamp Things - City Lights
Lights Below - Pianos And Painkillers
Straight Reads The Line - Tony Danza Is The Boss
Kathleen Turner Overdrive - Sweatin To The Gallows
Decades - Lookin Out, Lookin In
Ruiner - That Stone Better Be On Fire
Modern Life Is War - Big City Dream
Guns Up! - Guns Up
Comeback Kid - Defeated
Out To Sea - Hearts For The Heartless
Fordirelifesake - Into What We Call Stars
Rosesdead - A Break In The Clouds
Rosesdead - Confluence
The Fortunate - Let's Fight For Our Lives
Dead And Divine - You Are Cordially Invited
Kids Like Us - Don't Eat Rocks, We Rock
Ten Yard Fight - We Know The Truth
Good Clean Fun - Fight To Unite
This Is Hell - End Of An Era
Stay Posi.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Man, is Paul posi, or what?
As servants of God we have commended ourselves in every way:
through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger;
by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, holiness of spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God;
with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left;
in honor and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute.
We are treated as impostors, and yet are true;
as unknown, and yet are well known;
as dying, and see-- we are alive;
as punished, and yet not killed;
as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;
as poor, yet making many rich;
as having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
2 Corinthians 6: 4-10
Remember that we are dust, and to dust we shall return.
Stay Posi.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
FLYersss! ... again

Here's the usual links:
THE YEAR OF ARSON (took me forever to figure out!)
Looks like the other venues don't have sites...that I can find anyways.
-CDAwG out!
Quick bit
Dear CJAM Supporters,
Thank you for all of your support so far! I would like to ask all of you to take the time to sign the "Save CJAM!" petition at either:
The first link is accessible to everyone, including your CJAM supporting friends who aren't users of Facebook.Thanks again and keep spreading the word about CJAM,Robert Woodrich & Madeline MacIsaac"Save CJAM!" Co-Founders
Help out a good cause.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
LOOK OUT! They're coming!
C-dawg again, torn with what to do.

Same diff. right? I'm sorry I'm so inappropriate.
Here's the usual links:
We need all the help we can get.
We're not askin for money or anythin, you guys already came through huge with pledge drive.
All we need is for you to go to the CRTC website and comment on the "Student Media, University Of Windsor" issue. It takes a couple minutes, and could mean the difference between us stayin on the air and gettin scrap'd.
Thanks for your support ladies and gents.
Alright, I have some news but no time to post it right now.
It'l get up, no worries. Stay Tuned.
Three And One Score.
The Bled - Guttershark
Kingston Falls - On Contentment
Life In Your Way - To The Edge
Means - These Are The Words
Cry Of The Afflicted - Read Between
Horizons - Old Man
Have Heart - Old Man II
Go it Alone - Grey
Miles Away - Consequences
A Day And A Deathwish - My Path
Misery Signals - Nothing
The Ghost Inside - Inherent Youth
Bury Your Dead - The Poison Apple
In Irons - Trust Not In Man
Carry The Torch - It Can Burn For All I Care
International Superheroes Of Hardcore - Seat Belt
Stick To Your Guns - Compassion Without Compromise
Circuit For The Blackout - The Hills
I'm out next week, but liveitup will still be airin at the usual time, pre-recorded. I'l talk to ya'll in a few.
C-Dawg back again to annoy you guys. Just wanted to post this link.
SAVE CJAM! on facebook
If anyone has facebook and they want to get involved and stay informed on the current issues regarding CJAM and the unprotected status of the station, this group provides links and means of showing you support. I joined it, so should you. No seriously though, you should! A lot of hard work goes into the shows you love and I can testify to that first hand after all the times I've thickened the airwaves. So do what you can; everyone working with and in conjunction with CJAM are grateful to be serving you delicious tunes and hope to keep providing that to you so show them some love!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Bathroom Promo's work, people!

C-dawg again. I was just taking a leak at school and saw that Blurt is hosting their last show EVER at the Chubby Pickle on February 20th. These guys have been around for a pretty long time so I definitely thought it worthy of spreading the news. A huge bonus is that the show is FREE, but I'm sure the guys would appreciate some real support and a couple donations; so open your hearts as well as your wallets and come out to see Blurt say farewell. They've had a huge impact over the years on this communities scene and they deserve a sweet reminder of our appreciation and gratitude. Hope to see you all there; here's a link to their site if you need to contact them for any reason.

One final note, don't forget to listen to your favorite station 91.5 with liveitup. Your host is taking a sweet vacation next week so call in and wish him well. He deserves a great vacation with all the hard work he puts into everything he does in trying to bring you quality sounds with a meaningful message.
Bon voyage meilleur ami!
C-Dawg signing and siNging off!... for now ;)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Upcoming shows in Windsor!

Wolfman and I were able to make it to the AMBUSH! show last night after all. I must apologize to any listeners who I misinformed. Wednesday night before the liveitup show, I checked their myspace and the venue had been changed, I contacted them for directions but only after the show did I get a response. They said that for the purpose of crossing the border, they had to change the venue location...? Strange, but I'm just hoping that I didn't lead anyone in the wrong direction. Anyways, it was a terrific show. I got there a little late so I missed Queen Annes Lace but I heard they put on a great set. Next up was Tough Luck! who pointed out their own tough luck with the fact that two of they members were unable to attend their own show. Regardless, they made due and did a pretty great cover song that got everyone going. Then Waking Without Remorse played, heavy heavy set, great vocals, turned a lot of heads. Unfortunately Versus Hope didn't play as scheduled; I'm not sure why yet, I was looking forward to hearing them but no mention was made of them dropping the show late or anything. And finally, AMBUSH! Although their set was way to short for what I had hoped, it was great nonetheless. They played Friendship last, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Some good dancing going on; one guys pants pretty much shimmied right off at one point! Underwear and all; can't say it was a highlight! But great energy, vocals, riffs, and message. Very approachable guys too, shook hands with everybody after the show and were really nice. Unfortunately they were sold out of cd's before they even got here so it doesn't look like your host will be playing anything new for the moment but we'll try to get something ordered. So anyways, the bottom line is, GREAT show, GOOD times and many memories.
Here's a few more flyers to consider:
clear minds, open hearts
Alright, so there are some changes on the horizon commin to CJAM. Got this memo courtesy of Cassandra Caverhill, Program director; seems that we're "currently applying for an amendment to our broadcasting undertaking to assume a new signal at 99.1 FM". This is because we do not have "Protected Status" from the CRTC and, as we've been pressured by the FCC to make a change because of the level of interference with other American Stations. So now we're facing possible removal from the FM band. Because of this we're lookin to get in on 99.1 FM, which could afford the "Protected Status". The application is before the CRTC, and is open for public comment. So we need all the support we can get and, if you get a chance, the station and us here at liveitup would really appreciate if you could show your support by writing an e-mail or sending a letter. or fax to 819-994-0218 or go old-fashioned too
CRTC Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2. Let's keep this goin ladies and gents.
Ok, now for sum music news.
So there are a ton of shows goin on in windsor this month, all of em (so far) at the Chubby Pickle, so make an effort and support our local bros. Check the Shows post fo specifics, but this month we've got LoveHateHero, BBABH, Abandon All Ships, I Am The Vine and Cut To The Chase just to name a few.
The Ghost Inside and The Gorgeous have new vids up on Myspace, if your interested, and The Sainte Catherines have "new songs: remix & cover" up on theirs.
Also, xFinal Fightx are takin pre-orders for their new LP, "Half Head, Full Shred", which I personally am real pumped for. If you want a taste, check their myspace and listen to the 3 new tracks they have up. Prime.
Man, straight from the source on this one. My Big Brew just called me to say that he ran into Dallas, Steele and Rat-Beard of Alexisonfire this afternoon. Apprently they like Quiznos. But, more importantly, they're headin into the studio next week to record their next album. They'l be tourin to support it in the summer. So WATCH OUT.
And finally, and unfortunately, the much anticipated Saints Never Surrender interview did not go down last weekend. No worries though, because we were originally goin to do it over the phone anyway. I'l get that to you asap.
Stretch Armstrong - Hand In Hand
Daggermouth - This Is Chase Brennan
Gorilla Biscuits - New Direction
Dag Nasty - Trying
Whatever It Takes - In The Orchad
Catch 22 - Hard To Impress
Snips - **** With The Rose
The Flaming Tsunamis - Opus
The Delegates - Something Wrong
Take It Back! - Lights In This Town
The Gorgeous - Jamboree At The Jubilee
Champion - Make Your Mark
xFinal Fightx - When Words Go Unchallenged
Comeback Kid - Never Fade
Grave Maker - Raining Again
Livin With Lions - She's A Hack
There she be.
Check in Next week for more news on this 99.1 buisness. And more music.
Stay Posi.
Monday, February 2, 2009
February Shows
Hot Damn. The Chub is gettin alot of action this month, eh?
Some pretty dec acts commin around too.
Support our local boys Cut To The Chase, I Am The Vine and the rest.
And go see AMBUSH! on thursday. Do it.
Feb 5:
AMBUSH!, Versus Hope, WWR, QAL, Tough Luck!
Chubby Pickle
Windsor, ON
Feb 6:
I Am The Vine, Cut To The Chase, Jack London, Radio Adelaide
Chubby Pickle
Windsor, ON
Feb 13:
Days Fade, Shortline Hero
Chubby Pickle
Windsor, ON
Feb 19:
Abandon All Ships, Cut To The Chase, These Silhouettes
Chubby Pickle
Windsor, ON
Feb 21:
Living Martyred *FREE* LAST SHOW
w/ OA, OoTS, H@H, Sierra Lione, UTKF, Lash Out + more TBA
Stony Creek Baptist Church
London, ON
Feb 23:
Orphan Choir, The Artist Life, My Son My Son, The Rowley Estate
Chubby Pickle
Windsor, ON
Feb 25:
LoveHateHero, I Am The Vine, Blessed By A Broken Heart, Vanna
Chubby Pickle
Windsor, ON
Commin up next month...
Buried Inside, Titan
Stay Posi.