Wolfman and I were able to make it to the AMBUSH! show last night after all. I must apologize to any listeners who I misinformed. Wednesday night before the liveitup show, I checked their myspace and the venue had been changed, I contacted them for directions but only after the show did I get a response. They said that for the purpose of crossing the border, they had to change the venue location...? Strange, but I'm just hoping that I didn't lead anyone in the wrong direction. Anyways, it was a terrific show. I got there a little late so I missed Queen Annes Lace but I heard they put on a great set. Next up was Tough Luck! who pointed out their own tough luck with the fact that two of they members were unable to attend their own show. Regardless, they made due and did a pretty great cover song that got everyone going. Then Waking Without Remorse played, heavy heavy set, great vocals, turned a lot of heads. Unfortunately Versus Hope didn't play as scheduled; I'm not sure why yet, I was looking forward to hearing them but no mention was made of them dropping the show late or anything. And finally, AMBUSH! Although their set was way to short for what I had hoped, it was great nonetheless. They played Friendship last, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Some good dancing going on; one guys pants pretty much shimmied right off at one point! Underwear and all; can't say it was a highlight! But great energy, vocals, riffs, and message. Very approachable guys too, shook hands with everybody after the show and were really nice. Unfortunately they were sold out of cd's before they even got here so it doesn't look like your host will be playing anything new for the moment but we'll try to get something ordered. So anyways, the bottom line is, GREAT show, GOOD times and many memories.
Here's a few more flyers to consider:
Just incase of any obscurity, the TERMINATOUR 2 is on the 25th of Feb, at 5! There's a lot of great bands playing so come out and show some love for all of 'em and have a good time. It'll be $12 advanced or $15 at the door and it's an ALL AGES and licensed show. I know it seems a bit steep but it's a big show and should be lots of fun. The Drop Your Pants and Dance Tour is $7 at 6PM. If you have any other questions call in or check out these bands myspaces here:
My Son My SonAnd I apologize for the girth of this post. I tried to format it to make it as viewer friendly as possible, but at the same time keep the show info clear.
That's all for now,
Enjoy your weekends,
clear minds, open hearts
clear minds, open hearts
well hot damn!
way to show me up c-dawg...flyers, embedded links...geeze
great post though.
you know this means that you're gonna be doin this more often now eh?
Stay Posi.
I told you I tried REALLY hard.
If you actually want me to though it would be my pleasure, just let me know.
: C-Dawg
Heres some info; I know some of it is old, and I got a little lazy later on, but there is some REALLY exciting news buried deep in the shit., enjoy!
February 12th - Fireworks and Child Bite @ The Factory in Rochester, Michigan
February 21st - Internal Affairs Last Show @ Chain Reaction hahaha YES!
March 20th - Fireworks Record Release Show @ Modern Exchange in Southgate, Michigan
March 21th - The Ghost Inside with Terror @ Majestic Theatre in DET
April 4th - Ruiner and Agnostic Front @ Macs in Lansing, Michigan
April 7th - Casey Jones and Hour of the Wolf @ the Hayloft in Mt. Clemens, Michigan
April 26th - Set Your Goals/New Found Glory/Bayside and Verse in Royal Oak
Pulley uploaded three new tracks on their myspace
Rebuild uploaded three new tracks on their myspace
XGRACEX is still writing new songs
Rise Against has made a great video for Audience of One and added to their myspace
Evergreen Terrace has announced a new record due out in September
Hellogoodbye has released an EP entitled "Ukelele EP"
Saosin LP 2?
Year One Demo Available on iTunes
Good News:
ANTHEMS has announced their return from the dead
Bad News:
Rebuild Broke up
Inked In Blood Broke up
Verse Broke up
p.s. thats c-dawg at your side
trying to make up for bailing on the 11th show...
February 10th - Venia with APFP and the Great Commission @ Static Age in Romeo, Michigan
February 11th - Venia with APFP and TGC @ Mac's Bar in Lansing, Michigan
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